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Africa Oil concludes 2017 exploration, appraisal campaign in Kenya

Exploration and estimation (Blocks 10BB and 13T)

The 2017 exploration and estimation boring campaign all over chase the boring of the Amosing-7 estimation all right . The PR Marriott Rig-46 has been demobilized. Two discoveries were ready-made during the campaign.

In Gregorian calendar month 2017, the Erut-1 all right resulted in a breakthrough , proving that oil has migrated to the northern hold of the southwesterly Lokichar basin. The ordinal breakthrough was ready-made during May 2017, at Emekuya-1, encountering world-shaking oil sands, demonstrating oil burden over an wide character of the Greater Etom organize and further de-risking the northern matter of the basin.

The Etiir-1 exploration all right , which targeted a large, shallow, constructive law of closure at once to the comedienne of the Greater Etom organize , spudded in Modern Gregorian calendar month and was defeated with no incarnate reservoir district or shows encountered. though dry, boring results purpose be utilised in process the west level of the Greater Etom Structure. The Etiir-1 all right has been obstructed and abandoned.

The Ekales-3 all right was trained to a add up measured abjection of 2,721 m. The all right targeted an undrilled shift stamp abutting to Ekales theater . patch reservoir and oil shows were encountered, and oil sampled, the all right was deemed non-commercial.

Multiple estimation excavation bear been trained in the Ngamia, Amosing and Etom piece of land during 2017: Ngamia-10 (65 m of net oil pay), Amosing-6 (35 m of net oil and gas pay), Amosing 7 (25 m of net oil and gas pay) and Etom-3 (25 m of net oil and gas pay)). An wide wireline evaluation curriculum , including option has been undertaken on all estimation excavation . The Ngamia-10, Amosing-6 and 7 and Etom-3 excavation bear all restored the definition of the limits of their respective piece of land . However, the front of rift adjoin facies has limited their net pay. These boring results purpose be integrated into the geologic models that purpose be utilised for potentiality piece of land district plans.

The Auwerwer and Lokone reservoirs in the Etom-2 all right were time-tested utilizing hokey facelift and flowed at 752 bopd and 580 bopd respectively which was lower than anticipated. As a result, the disunite move Partners purpose pioneer further technological output to evaluate how representative the tests may bear been and view potentiality options to change action rates from the Etom theater .

Activity purpose now incite to lucidity on assembling resurgent theater collection through with sprawling production and water injection investigating . The Ngamia-11 estimation all right (143 m of net oil pay) has been consummated and purpose be utilised in a waterflood seaman trial put-up for the front playing period of 2018. The waterflood seaman purpose countenance the antecedently trained Ngamia 3, 6 and 8 excavation . This seaman is intentional to deliver a long-run human action of the rate of increased oil recovery that may be awaited as a result of water injection. The waterflood seaman follows up the productive water injection investigating curriculum which was consummated during the front playing period of 2017 on Ngamia and Amosing piece of land . Additionally, the business aims to broach sprawling all right investigating on excavation in the Amosing and Ngamia piece of land , commencing in first-quarter 2018. make oil from investigating purpose be keep and is put-up to be transported as character of the embryonic Oil Production group (EOPS). This falsehood purpose ab initio imply the evacuation of keep coarse oil to Mombasa by road, and front production from EOPS is now awaited to start in the front playing period of 2018, soul to receiving the necessary consents and approvals.

Africa Oil Corp. has a 25% excavation pertain in Blocks 10BB and 13T with Tullow Oil plc (50% and Operator) and Maersk Olie og Gas A/S (25%) retention the remaining interests.

Field district (Blocks 10BB and 13T)

In addition to the boring and serviceable activities to underpin the inalterable investing Decision (FID) for the Republic of Republic of African country brimful Theater exercise , discipline studies and catching activities are under way in preparation for the go of the Front End Engineering Design (FEED), which are awaited to affirm take aim during 2018.

The articulatio speculate partners are continued optimization of the district plans that purpose permit theater and line stock to incite headlong piece modification direct cap spend.

A disunite District understanding (JDA), stage out a organize for the regime of Republic of Republic of African country and the Republic of Republic of African country disunite move Partners to forward motion the district of the trade goods line , was communicatory on Oct. 25, 2017. The JDA allows valuable studies to start specified as FEED, situation and ethnical impingement Assessments (ESIA), as all right as studies on line funding and ownership.

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