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electrical design and Electrical engineering
Electrical Design Workers at this level solve more complex problems in engineering areas of specialization with general supervision....

Functional Testing and Verification and Validation Solutions for Embedded Systems
Embedded systems cannot easily be defined however, there is the "intelligence' found in most of the ordinary items that we find useful...
Re-engineering: Innovatively Cutting Product Costs
Re-engineering builds on the principles of value analysis, fee engineering (VAVE). It encompasses the strategic imperatives of an...
Design For Lean: Optimize The Business Processes For Max Gains
Trade competitions are getting tough day by day; and, Corporate managers are doing their best to explore every scope for betterment....
State of CAD and Engineering
Abbreviations CAD is Computer Aided Design CAE is Computer Aided Engineering CEW is Computer aided design and Engineering Workstation CPU...
Is It Time To Start A Perm Practice?
The national joblessness rate is dropping. Your temp staffing operation is beginning to take off. You regularly hear that the immediate...
FDA offers co-manufacturers more time period to obey with certain FSMA requirements
FEED Services The guidance​​ was announced​​ stylish hebdomad and published​​ in the Yank Registrar on Monday. It took set up at once and...

Basic of Structural Analysis and Design
The efficient structure is that which depends on the usefulness of its analysis and steel design analysis. The engineer should follow the...
The Process of Engineering Design
To a large extent we take the technology around us for granted, stopping to notice its value only once it has ceased to function. What we...
How To Analyze Stress State In Practical Applications
This is very simplified approach, and maybe enough to know for the overall development, but not enough to solve practical problems....
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