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Design For Lean: Optimize The Business Processes For Max Gains

Trade competitions are getting tough day by day; and, Corporate managers are doing their best to explore every scope for betterment. Minimizing the waste and using minimal resources is the most common key concern of business managers but very few succeed to optimize the processes without any compromise with other parameters. Management consulting solutions experts suggest an innovative formula 'Design for Lean' to cut down the production cost without any compromise with quality. This processing formula is principally focused upon minimal loss and minimal waste at the end. DFL ensures the success at both these fronts; thus, ensures the low production period, reduced production cost, minimum hazels and smooth flow with least requirement of waste material shifting and management.

Benefits Of DFL (Design For Lean):

DFL can improve the outcome of any production process or services model. It is much sought after model to be incorporated in set up plans of processing plants, manufacturing units and services industry i.e. warehouses, super markets, retail marts, transport hubs, healthcare and govt. establishments etc. Corporate consultants emphasize upon DFL application in their recommendation for revamping of existing layouts. The industry experts have experienced the effectiveness of designs for lean; and, the reports of multi-dimensional research and analysis confirm their experience. Also see about design for assembly.

Although the benefits of design for lean are proven but large numbers of decision makers still hesitate to incorporate it just because of some misconceptions. One among those is that it is suitable only for the manufacturing units; not true. Lean design is effective in every business and process because DFL is not a practice for particular business activity, neither, it is only the cost reduction tactics; instead it is the way of unique thinking and applications for entire organization. Numbers of management consulting firms ensure successful DFL deployment by providing DFL trainings in tailored modules.

Deployment Of Lean Design: Optimize It For Best Outcome

The DFL methodology is primary focused upon three steps: capture, plan and mitigate. The deployment plan may be different for different organizations because it needs to be customized according to particular needs identified by the experts. The perfect deployment helps the managers to uncover best part of resources and the so far hidden opportunities. The DFL users are trained to devise innovative strategy for smooth applications of new plans. These plans take care of all the critical issues like available floor space, assembling and process cost per unit, available manpower, budgets and future expansion scheme etc. Lean Consulting Experts analyze the parameters like customer demand, optimized plan layout, assembly/processing stations, application of processing principles, ergonomics for stress free operation, safety norms, error proofing and quality check etc. Identification of required machines, tools, fixtures and logistics system is also part of DFL deployment.

The word 'lean transformation' is used to specify a company shifting its activities from old track to lean track with multiple objectives. It needs complete transformation of current culture and practices to plan and conduct the business. Naturally, it takes time. The obtained success level in design for lean deployment depends upon the right interpretation of parameters and the zero gap interaction between DFL consultancy firm and the client.

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